Take a class with us!

Blacksmithing and Welding in Richmond, CA

Clay and Steel offers achievable, project based classes starting at $150.

You will walk out with a project you make.

Our classes are small size (2-6 students per session), project based, and designed to give time for the instruction and understanding about the blacksmithing techniques used to create each project.

The owner, Celeste, has designed these projects to be beautiful, valuable, and achievable for a whole range of students.

Gift cards for classes can be bought and given to friends and family as well.

We often host birthday celebrations, team builds or other classes for other special occasions. Private or shared welding lessons for specific projects are highly encouraged. Click here for more info

You may be able to request a duplicate class if one fills up.

Our welding instructor, Jenny Mount, offers sewing classes at the same location at Seaport Studios. Contact us to learn more.

READ MORE about classes by visiting this link.

There are $30 OPEN FORGE times available to previous students. Labs give students the time and space to practice projects and master techniques. Materials are available for most projects. Cash or Venmo. Contact me to reserve a spot.

Our Class and Open Forge calendar is linked below

Clay and Steel Calendar

All students new to blacksmithing are required to take one of the “Starter” Blacksmith Classes. First-time “starter” projects include steel hooks, bronze or copper bracelets, and the lovely railroad spike knife.

First time blacksmith “starter” classes includes important safety requirements as well as basic hammer and tong instruction. Further classes may skip this beginning requirement.

New students are required to sign a safety waiver in order to participate.

To see all Starter Classes click here and scroll down.

After you take a Starter class in each department (blacksmithing or welding) you will have met the prerequisite for almost any other class. This requirement may be waived for recent students from other organizations such as The Crucible or the California Blacksmith Association


Clay and Steel is located in the Seaport Art Studios building. A bright octopus mural covers the building’s front. The fence gate will open 5-10 minutes before class. More info…


Feb 23rd - Starter Railroad Spike Knife (Copy)
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March 1st and 2nd Forge a Full Tang Blade
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Mar 8th - Forge a Sword Letter Opener (Morning)
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Mar 8th - Forge a Sword Letter Opener (Afternoon)
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March 9th - Starter Railroad Spike Knife
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March 15th - Forge a Steel Hook -First Time Blacksmiths Welcome
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March 15th Forge a Rose Leaf
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March 16th - Starter Railroad Spike Knife
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Mar 22nd - Starter Welded Lantern Class
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March 22nd - Starter Railroad Spike Knife
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March 29th- Forge a Bronze Spoon
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March 30th - Railroad Spike Knife
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April 5th- Forge a Beginner's Hammer
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April 6th - Private Class Bronze Bracelet
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April 6th - Forge a Sword Letter Opener
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Fri April 18th - Youth Chisel Forging Class 14+
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April 19th - Starter Welded Lantern Class
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April 20th - Railroad Spike Knife
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April 19th and 20th - Full Tang Blade
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April 26th - Railroad Spike Knife
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April 27th Copper Feather
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April 27th - Forge a Bronze Spoon
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Friday May 2nd - Starter Bronze Bracelet
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May 4th- Forge a Tomahawk
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May 10th - Railroad Spike Knife
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May 18th - Railroad Spike Knife
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May 24th - Railroad Spike Knife
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May 31st - Forge a Sword Letter Opener
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Gift Card for Classes
from $150.00
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